Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tilt Temptation

I was very close to buying in to a bigger tourney, but I thought better of it. It wasn't so much bad beats now, it's big time coolers and missing on huge draws. Had my trips outkicked a few times, things like that. Flop of 9d Qd 2h and I push with Jd 10d...get called by pockets fours and his hand holds. Early in the day I got close to the $300 plateau but couldn't get over the hump.

Account- $280.95

Thursday, January 29, 2009

That song is so good I had to put it as the title of this post....In other news, shitty players continue to suck out but I'm continuing to turn a slight profit which is big. It's happy hour on Full Tilt and I'm planning on taking advantage of it later tonight.

Account- $262.25

So I don't discriminate.....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another rough day, but at least made a profit

Started off the day strong getting up to $243 early in the day. Things couldn't hold up when I got sucked out on multiple times again in key spots. However, I was fortunate in a few key pots in a 27 man and I got 3rd in that.

In other news, got accused of calling Drums a "fat fuck" by her...standard Griff still talking to her....anyways, I'm not one to be that mean (cough, cough) but I mean, look at the broad.

Account- $232.80

Monday, January 26, 2009

Nice quick little sesh

Played 4 more 9 mans before bed. 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place finishes. That puts the account to a new high point of $206...only got sucked out on twice in those tourneys, things are turning around.

P.S.- A little parting gift...

Shifting to 9 mans

Well, played four 9 man 5.50's and got 2 wins and a 2nd place. Took some more bad beats but was able to curb my tilt into some well timed aggression. I was able to dodge a few bullets after getting sucked out on bad. Considering how aggressive it is getting on here, I think shifting to 9 mans benefits my game.

Account- $184.00

Saturday, January 24, 2009

If there wasn't luck involved, I'd win every time

My Aces to AQ offsuit pre flop...flop is K66 rainbow...I somehow lose...

I'm so pissed it's almost time for a hate post.


Come on...

The beats just keep on coming. Getting snap called by K2 off suit on an all in and he flops 2 deuces against my AK when we are even in chips heads up...Or how about pocket eights losing to pocket fours on the river all in after a flop of 233. I can go on all day, but I'm not going to. It is going to turn around and considering I only went down about $10.50 on the day, with the variety of hits I keep taking, that's a big plus...big thangs are gonna happen, I can feel it. Anywho, tonight I'm going to Diertz' casa for a grind sesh. I'm predicting at least a $50 profit.

Account Total: $181.05

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Short Day, Same Shit

Before my journey to MSU, I decide to play in two 6 man SnG's...standard I lose the first one getting called by K7 dimes to my AJ dimes...nice 7 peeled on the turn. I was able to take down the other tourney so therefore I profited $8.50 on the day...$91.85 total...I might grind at MSU later...or I'll probably just enjoy watching YD make some more poor choices.

Speaking of poor choices...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Off to the races...

Welp...after searching to find funds for that past month, I finally found credit card. While my plans were to start my grinding via Pokerstars, it had to be Full Tilt due to credit card restrictions. No scruples, I get bonuses and shit. I'm starting this post 2 days late but as of now, I'm up $83.35. And that is with a book list of bad beats. The plan is to never have to buy in online ever again....I have vowed to not play anything higher than 5.50 SnG's and .10/.25...until I reach a certain goal. I've bought in for $100 and my list will increase when my bankroll hits $500. This first post may not be that entertaining but if you jabronis know anything about the Zotes, you will be sure to keep reading. You can catch me grinding on my alias--AJZ68.......ENJOY